I was soooo proud of Greyson the other day!!! We were shopping and it was so cold outside. We walked out of Macy's and passed the Salvation Army friend ringing her bell like crazy in the cold. I usually prompt the ideas for our "sweet treat" acts of service each week. BUT- Greyson said on his own..."Mom, that lady looks really cold. Maybe we should go get her some hot cocoa." So we did, right then, right away. Way to go Dude! That's why we're doing this :)
We pulled up to the lady ringing the Salvation Army bell and he handed her the cocoa. As we drove off Greyson said, " It makes you feel good when you do nice things for people."
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
-Proverbs 11:25
-Proverbs 11:25