I've gotta catch us up! Maybe I'll be updating this each month....haven't been so good about jotting down our activities for each week. However, we've been busy and it's been fun :)

This past week, Greyson had filled up his penny bank, so we decided to take it to Coinstar. Who knew that a big jar full of change would turn out to be $74.00! We were so excited! So, he got to put some in his savings acct., take some to the $$$$ store ( he picked out an airplane) and 1/3 of it will go to Little Ameressa.
She's our sweet treat this week.
Ameressa is an Ethipoian child that Greyson's Sunday school group at Chase Oaks Church has adopted this year as their Compassion Child. The money that the kids bring each Sunday helps to pay for her education, school supplies, clothes, ect. With Christmas approaching, they are now saving up to buy Ameressa a cow for her and her family.
I was explaining to Greyson why a cow will be such a wonderful gift for them to get at Christmas time. He responded with, "Well, I think we should also make some cupcakes to send her because chocolate cupcakes go really good with milk. She probably hasn't had a chocolate cupcake with milk before." I thought that was so sweet. But later that night, he almost brought me to tears. He'd been working on something in his room for awhile and he walked in with this picture that he'd been drawing. He
said that he wanted to send it to Ameressa with her cupcakes. Greyson is definitely talented when it comes to picking up his crayons. He's always loved to do art! But, this picture was the most colorful, detailed picture I've ever seen him do. It's a picture of a girl in front of her house with flowers and hearts in the windows. I was proud that he'd been thinking of her hours later and spent so much time on it. I'll be sure to send it with his change!
We've also been really busy this month during all the rainy, cool days we've had...Cleaning out ALL the closets! Why are my kids gr
owing!!! Greyson grew 2 full sizes since last fall / winter. So, we put some things out for donation trucks. But, we have also delivered tupperwares of clothes to several friends with
kids in those sizes. Hopefully they'll enjoy them as much as we did. It's so hard for me to part with some of the outfits they looked so little and cute in :(
Greyson greets our Mailman, Dan, each day when he's dropping off our mail. He routinely comes within 30 minutes of us walking home
from school with Greyson. So, we hang in the front yard and play and when he drives up, Greyson runs to get our mail from him. So, this week, we decided to give Mailman Dan a bag of Halloween candy to munch on while he delivers mail. Of course the week we decide to do this, Mailman Dan seems to be on a different schedule and we kept missing him. So, finally, Grey decided that it'd be a nice surprise to just put it in the mail box for him. I'll have to add a picture of Mailman Dan soon. :)
Our giving bucket is full too! Greyson's school is doing a food drive now through mid Novemeber. All the food is going to Life Source, which provides food, clothing, furniture, and financial assistance to those who are in need. So, we get to unload our "giving bucket" a little bit each day as he takes it to school with him.
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