"The cycle of Love that God pours into our life is not complete until it is pouring out of ours to meet the needs of other people."
-Joyce Meyer

Thursday, March 4, 2010

More than just a playgroup!!

Thank you to all my sweet friends and Moms at Chase Oaks Church! We all get together often for a playgroup with our kids on the Wednesdays that we don't meet at church. A couple Wednesdays ago when we got together for a playdate with the kids they all brought something with them to add to our stash of baby items that we've been collecting. Now we have so many great things to take to the School Age Parenting Program through PISD. Such a fun way to get together and at the same time, invite everyone to participate in giving to others in a simple, small, easy way. Now that February is over...we're going to deliver all the great baby items from the playdate and our family giving bucket. Thanks to all the families who helped us and donated items! You guys are so great!!!

"They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed."
Psalm 37:26

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